Khndzoresk (Խնձորեսկ) is a village located in the South-East of Armenia, in the province (marz,մարզ) of Syunik. The village is located at 1,580 m above sea level. The population is 2,260; most of them work in farming, cattle breeding, and agriculture. The village has 516 houses, administrative and public institutions, such as community council, secondary school with 370 pupils, musical school, kindergarten, library, museum, and culture club.

FOA funded towards the reconstruction of water supply system in the village of Khndzoresk. See project details and pictures below.

Project #84: In 2017 the Water supply project was completed by Territorial Development Fund (ATDF) for $140,613. The community contribution is provided by FOA with $4,965; sponsored by Asadur and Anahid Chilingirian, and Donigian family in memory of Sahak Donigia

The distribution network was built of steel pipes in mid 60-ies. In 2012 a part of the pipes for about 4.24 km length were reconstructed of polyethylene pipes, and the remaining part with around 3.5 km length needed to be reconstructed.
