Ujan (Ուջան) is a town in the Aragatsotn Province of Armenia. It is located in the north/west of the capital Yerevan. The population of the town is about 3600. Ujan is home to the first ever statue of General Andranik erected in Armenia. It was secretly erected at night on June 4th, 1967.
FOA funded and completed couple of projects in the town of Ujan. See the project list and pictures below. THE TOTAL COST IS $5,600.
Project #81; Cost $900: In 2017 FOA purchased sport equipment for the School gymnasium such as Punching Bags, Training Gloves, Boxing Gloves, Weights (dumbell), Basketball Hoop/Balls, and Balls for Volleyball, Football, and ping pong table.
Project #75; Cost $4,700: In 2016 FOA renovated the Community Cultural Center by replacing Windows, Outside Door, electric heater, lighting fixtures, and painted in Memory of Arsak Celik.
The Community Cultural center is utilized for many purposes; for concerts, theaters, movies, rehearsals, graduations, banquets, weddings, sports, etc.
The Gymnasium with the new equipment for the youngsters for sports training
Old doors replaced with new
Old windows replaced with new
Old doors and windows
Old Doors
Old windows replaced with new
New windows delivered
Old windows
Old Doors