Chankatagh (Ճանկաթաղ) village is located in the Martakert region of the Artsakh Republic, 10 km south of the city of Martakert. The village has 128 houses and 410 inhabitants, of which 63 are students and 55 are preschoolers. During the Artsakh war, the village was captured and completely destroyed. The Kashen gold mine is located near Tsankatagh, which provides employment to the villagers. They are also engaged in cattle breeding and farming.
FOA funded for a project in the village of Chankatagh. See project details and pictures below.
Project #80; Cost $11,900: In 2017, FOA renovated the Community building in the village of Chankatagh, which has a Club and Clinic. During the renovation, the flooring of the club was also replaced.