Khramort (Խրամորթ) village is located in Askeran region, near Akna (Aghdam) in the Artsakh Republic. The village has of 100 houses, and the population is 500; 70 of which are schoolchildren and 40 are preschoolers. Residents are mainly engaged in gardening. There is a community center, a clinic, a kindergarten, and a school in the village. The Azeris captured and destroyed the village.
FOA funded and completed many projects in Khramort in many phases. See the project list and pictures below. THE TOTAL COST IS $6,400.
The funds for Project #57 & #58 were donated by Srpuhi Madoyan and Family; in Memory of Sebuh Madoyan.
Project #58; Cost $3,400: In 2015, FOA renovated and replaced the roof of the Government Hall and Clinic, and other renovations in the interior of the building.
Project #57; Cost $3,000: In 2015, FOA installed new water pipes, 1.5 km from the reservoir, in the village of Khramort to make it easier for the people to get drinking water through the fountains.
Project #58: Government Hall and Clinic Renovation in 2015
Project #57: new Water Piping for drinking water in 2015